
Just 6.5

Director : Saeed Roustayi

Release date:

There are so many movies in the history of movies which you can watch and enjoy. Just 6.5 is one of the most elegant movies which you can see and enjoy. First of all, just 6.5 is made during a year and by so many different processes. It should be said that among all the features that you can see, Alzahra VFX has made it so elegant so you will want to watch it more than one time. Just 6.5 is one of the noblest movies in history.

Watch Just 6.5 with AlzahraVFX!

What you need to know about Just 6.5?

The features of just 6.5 are so stunning that you cannot deny them even the first time you look at them. The story of the movie is mostly about addiction and its problems. A boy named Naser Khakzad who is a head of selling drugs and he was also in love with a girl who was introducing him to the police afterward. There are so many things which happen in just 6.5 which in the end leads to the death of Naser Khakzad. The point is, during the movie you will understand that although he is a criminal but there is still some humanity left in him and he is doing this because his brother was dead when he was young.

The cops, who are Peyman Maadi and two others tried to capture Naser many times and after their hard endeavor they had done it and they captured him while he was taking too many drugs to kill himself. They transfer him to the hospital to make him alive and as Naser said to kill him again themselves. It turned out that Naser was named Ali before and he had so many backgrounds in the matter of drugs and selling them but with the help of his friends he had cleared them.

just 6.5

Why just 6.5?

Just 6.5 was made elegantly. There are so many special features which help you to feel the movie not just watch it. At first, you will see a boy who is running from police and that’s when your heart will stop beating for milliseconds because he will be dead under so many soils. This is the starting point of the movie and it captures the attention of the viewer.

So the whole film is based on the starting point and when it is noble surely the other parts will catch your attention as well. There are also so many other parts which are giving you this sense as well and Alzahra Vfx has the duty to show them in their best look and also that’s why you can watch them with great quality. Just 6.5 is the movie which helps you to learn you cannot judge anyone.

The process of making this film wasn’t easy and it can be said that it was a little bit hard and also because this noble movie was the bestselling it can be said that the art which is done in this work is also unforgettable. Just 6.5 will transfer so many feelings to the viewer and none of them are that much elegant that you can have at the first of the movie.

Alzahra VFX tries to show you that just 6.5 and its special features. The parts which you can see need so many essentials to transfer the viewer’s sense. Just 6.5 has so many special features and you can see them in different scenes. If you are looking for a special movie to watch, just 6.5 is your type because there are so many scenes in which you can see and enjoy everything. You can enjoy how it was made, you can enjoy its look and also you can enjoy its scenes and also all the specialty in Alzahra VFX. Just 6.5 will show the problems of the society and also it will transfer this feeling to the viewer so you can watch them as much as you want and each time you will learn something new about it.

The role of Alzahra VFX in showing just 6.5 with all its special features. There are so many people who work on just 6.5 and that’s why it’s elegance cannot be underestimated. They are also too good for any kinds of things in this field because the directory and also other related things are noble like so many other movies. With Alzahra VFX watch this movie and enjoy every moment of it without any doubt so you will always remember its elegance.

Just 6.5

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