ShortThe Train“The Train”, a fantasy animated short film, directed by Javad Matouri, and produced by M.H Hamedani. The film produced in 2014 at AlzahraVFX studio. It has been nominated is several film festivals…
ShortSpotted YellowRoya is a young girl with a yellow spot on her face. One day she feels the signs of a real giraffe in her life. And her normal life is slowly changing.
ShortDubai ExpoDubai Expo 2020 is undoubtedly one of the greatest events in recent years! AlzahraVFX is grateful to have had the opportunity to create nine TV idents for Dubai One TV channel!
ShortThe Immortal ProcessionWe are humbled to announce that we have just finalized "The Immortal Procession", a very innovative project, at Alzahra Studio. In this animation a group of students visit a communication museum…
ShortMy AngelsAfter "Shukran Ya Hussain" and "Prince of His Era" reached nearly 40 million views on YouTube, we are unveiling 'My Angels' - the result of our third collaboration with the amazing Basim Karbalaei. Th…
Short14 MasoomOur latest project "14 Masoom" is a colorful live action musical short, featuring a CGI teddy bear! 🐻 We had a great time working on this project, great job to all the artists involved! 🙏
ShortNeoOur latest project "14 Masoom" is a colorful live action musical short, featuring a CGI teddy bear! 🐻 We had a great time working on this project, great job to all the artists involved! 🙏